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What is a form 1099-cap?

Form 1099-CAP is furnished to shareholders who receive cash, stock, or other property from an acquisition of control or a substantial change in capital structure.

When do I need a 1099 cap form?

If you own stock in a corporation that undergoes a significant change in control or capital structure—and you received cash, stock, or other property as a result—the company will send you Copy B of the 1099-CAP form. Form 1099-CAP must be filed by Jan. 31 of the year following the change in control or capital structure.

Do I need to file a 1099-cap?

None at this time. Information about Form 1099-CAP, Changes in Corporate Control and Capital Structure (Info Copy Only), including recent updates, related forms and instructions on how to file. File this form for shareholders of a corporation if control of the corporation was acquired or it underwent a substantial change in capital structure.

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